皮特卡纳基与意大利机床、机器人和自动化控制制造商协会(SISTEMI PER PRODURRE)已经合作多年:
UCIMU标志,依据相关法律注册,通过ISO 9000标准才能获得,由协会发放,主要强调产品的质量特征、技术能力、功能效率以及生产系统特性等。
在另一方面, UCIMU标志不仅标志相关公司产品过硬,同时也说明了该公司有可靠的商业信誉,安全的财政制度,对安全的高度重视和经过充分的资格验证:是对公司整体情况的综合评估。
The information contained In this website and in related documents (texts, images, tables etc.) may contain information owned by PC.
This information may not be used, passed on to others or reproduced without the written consent of PC. Unauthorised use is prohibited.
Information pursuant to Art. 13 Leg. Dec. no. 196 of 30 June 2003 (Personal data protection law), and Art. 14 of Regulation no. 679/2016 GDPR.
The personal data provided by the User shall be placed in a special computerised database so that it can be used to access the requested services. The data controller is Pietro Carnaghi S.p.A., with registered office in Villa Cortese (MI), Via S. D'Acquisto 7.
Pietro Carnaghi S.p.A., as data controller, informs you that the email address requested at the time of registration and the other personal data provided, will be processed with the consent of the person concerned, in order to provide the information requested by the User.
Pursuant to Art. 7 of Leg. Dec. no. 196 of 30 June 2003, (Personal data protection law) and Art. 17 of Regulation no. 679/2016 GDPR, the User has the right to obtain confirmation of the existence or otherwise of personal data concerning him/her, even if not yet recorded, and the communication of such information in an intelligible form.
Furthermore, the User has the right to obtain information on the following:
• source of personal data;
• purposes and method of processing;
• logic applied in the event of processing carried out with the aid of electronic means;
• identification details of the Data Controller, data supervisors and the representative designated pursuant to Art. 5, paragraph 2 of Leg. Dec. no. 196 of 30/06/2003;
• parties or categories of parties to whom personal data may be communicated or who may have access to such personal data in their capacity as designated representative in the Country’s territory, or as managers or persons in charge.
Furthermore, the User has the right to obtain:
• the updating, correction or, if of interest, additions to personal data;
• the cancellation, transformation into anonymous form, or blocking of data processed in violation of law, including those which need not be retained for the purposes for which the data were collected or subsequently processed.
• certification that the parties to whom the data have been transferred or disseminated have been made aware of the operations specified in the above points, also as regards their content, except for the case where notification proves impossible or requires the use of means clearly disproportionate to the right being protected. Finally, the User has the right to object, in whole or in part:
• on legitimate grounds, to the processing of personal data concerning him/her, even if relevant to the purpose of the collection;
We inform you that the information collected about the interested party shall be managed and stored in compliance with EU Regulation no. 679/2016 GDPR and the Privacy Leg. Dec. 196/03 and subsequent amendments. The data controller is Piero Carnaghi S.p.A with registered office in Villa Cortese (MI), Via S. D'Acquisto 7 and the person in charge of data processing is the Head of the Human Resources Office. Finally, it should be noted that the person concerned in regards to his/her personal data also has, where applicable, the rights referred to in Articles 15-21 GDPR (Right of access, Right of rectification, right to be forgotten, right to restriction of processing, right to data portability, right of objection), by sending an email to [email protected] as well as the right to submit claims to the Guarantor Authority.